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Gestion de tâches et automatisation

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I was called for an interview and asked to spend one week with the children there to see if I could cope it was my first exposure to disability. I was very upset for the first two to three days, seeing some of the very high need children who were not able to eat, swallow or sit properly. But then I also noticed they were smiling, playing, and exchanging notes on cricket in their own sign language. So I finished my one-year course with a lot of hands-on training, worked there for a couple of years and that brought me the confidence to later venture out on my own.I was called for an interview and asked to spend one week with the children there to see if I could cope – it was my first exposure to disability. I was very upset for the first two to three days, seeing some of the very high need children who were not able to eat, swallow or sit properly. But then I also noticed they were smiling, playing, and exchanging notes on cricket in their own sign language. So I finished my one-year course with a lot of hands-on training, worked there for a couple of years and that brought me the confidence to later venture out on my own.

WHEN Neelam Jolly, a post-graduate in biophysics, changed track and trained to become a therapist, she was exposed to the needs and problems of children with disabilities from close quarters. This pushed her to dream of an organisation that would work for special needs children – where they are made to feel an integral part of mainstream society through inclusivity.

Instructor : Devon Lane
Duration : 48h 33m
Lectures : 12
Course level : Intermediate
Language : English